Friday, July 13, 2007

A typhoon'z a comin'

figuratively and literally!

Typhoon season is upon us, and we have a whopper headed our way! Right now it is huge, and should hit our area sometime tomorrow. Fortunately it probably won't interfere with any of our schedule and we should be able to sit it out here in the comfort of our little home!

The other "typhoon" headed our way is our schedule. OH MY GOODNESS (as Hana would say) why do we do this to ourselves? I ask myself that every summer and then every fall/Christmas. We just pack our schedule too tight, but there are to many good things to pass up! And we always survive.

So anyways, we have the ballet team in town this coming week (they arrived in Fukuoka last night and we had the honor of having them in our house for the night unexpectedly! that's a cool long story maybe I can blog about some other time). Next week they have concerts, purity seminars, special dinners, and more all around our area. We LOVE LOVE LOVE this group and always look forward to ministering with them. Next week is going to be awesome but busy!

Then we have Bible camp! This will be our third year to do this Bible camp too and we always enjoy it. It almost seems like a little vacation for us but at the same time we enjoy the chance to minister to the students up close, whom we often only get to see from on stage at short chapel services every other month or so.

Then we have a friend's wedding to go to. We'll be visiting some family members and friends too! I'm really looking forward to this.

AND then our great great friends from Oregon are coming to visit. Then Rocky's brother and family are coming to visit. Then we go on a road trip doing concerts on our way up to a missions conference where we'll lead worship. Then we'll do concerts on our way back too!!!

Gosh I feel tired just typing all that out. Here's hoping I can keep a few articles of clothing laundered in the midst of all that. Maybe Hana can get a nap now and then! and MAYBE somewhere in there we'll find a chance to catch our breath, for a least a second??? Hopefully we WON'T find the time to eat too much! LOL

Of course this also means my visits to the gym are going to be few and far between. UGH

but lots of fun stuff to look forward to! I'll check in as often as I can. Keep an eye on the ministry blog for specific prayer requests and updates too (I hope)!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hana gets a new kitchen...

Well since I got a new kitchen lately I figured it was only fair that the other woman of the house got one also!!! Hahaha

Actually we had a HUGE box left over from Rocky's new office chair and it just kept screaming "Hana's kitchen!!!" at me. So today I just went for it. I MADE her a little kitchen play set out of card board boxes. Once I had it all taped together, it looked so good, I had to go to the 100 yen store to get more supplies to make it look even better. I bought spray paint and a few other accessories. Here are the pictures, in case you are having a hard time imagining how you could make a kitchen out of a card board box!

Here it is from the front! I cut out a small cabinet door under the sink and put another box inside that space to make a cabinet. It is kind of hard to see, but she has two little knobs for lighting her burners on the stove! She needs a third one but I could only find two bottle tops so I need to get another.

This is the sink and a closer look at the cabinet below. I cut out the space for the sink and taped a shoe box down inside it. I spray painted it silver. You can also see that she has a "tile" wall on the back! this is actually some really thin ply wood that I saved YEARS ago from the packaging for a desk or some large piece of furniture that we ordered. I found at the hundred yen store little plastic "tiles". They were just like stickers, and I stuck them onto the ply wood! I also got her a little towel hanger and a wire basket (hanging to the left of the sink) for her sponge and dish soap, etc!

This is her stove top. While putting the box together we ran out of one role of clear packaging tape, so I just sliced that core into three little circles and taped them onto a piece of card board which we affixed to the counter top! I also spray painted this part silver. Her knobs are more visible here, and they actually turn! I put them on with some screws (I don't know the English name) that are similar to molly bolts, but they are metal and they spread out in the back once you start tightening the screw (if that makes any sense).

Just another view from the top!

I'm soooooo proud of her sink knobs too! I found these at the hundred yen store also! Can you believe that? They were not very easy to put on, but they actually turn also. The only thing we lack is a faucet, and I am wracking my brain trying to figure out what to use as a faucet fixture. Suggestions are welcome!

Well if you can't tell, I'm pretty proud of my creation today. She had some fun playing with it this afternoon before it was painted or had the tile backing and knobs attached. Now she needs some little pots and pans and kitchen utensils. We are going to Guam in September and I should be able to find some at Kmart there! In the mean time she is just using some Styrofoam soup storage containers and baby spoons! She loves it anyways. All of her wooden vegetables and cutting boards and wooden knife that we have been "collecting" for her kitchen she would have someday, are over at Baba's so I am going to have to go get those this week! I am so excited for my girl! She's got a new kitchen (and it only cost Mommy about $10 total at the 100 yen store!)