Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Sugarpie...

Nine years ago today I married the man of my dreams. It's amazing that it has been 9 years. It feels like it was just a few weeks ago! Time really flies when you are having fun!!!

Tonight we went out to dinner, and left the kiddos at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We didn't watch the clock, we ordered WHATEVER we wanted off the menu and we just enjoyed several hours of sitting and talking about anything and everything. He's still my best friend. He still amazes me with his love for Jesus and his wisdom and patience. He's still one of the funniest people I have ever met! I still can't believe I get to be the one who gets to be married to him!

We told Hana that today is our 9 year wedding anniversary and she didn't really understand. She kept asking this morning before going to preschool if we were getting married today! Then when I picked her up from school she asked if I am married to Daddy now. I explained over and over again that we are already married and today is just remembering and celebrating it kind of like a birthday. So when we picked her up from Baba and Jiji's house she asked if someone sang Happy Birthday to us while we were gone! LOL! Do you know how hard it is to explain that you were married on this day 9 years ago to a four year old. I would say, "We are already married, we got married on this day 9 years ago." And Hana would reply, "So you get married today, now?" The "years ago" part doesn't make sense to her. So in her mind, we left her at Baba and Jiji's house to go get married! Ha! I guess you could say we eloped today!!!

I finish today praying for all the other marriages out there that aren't happy like ours. So many marriages around us struggling and even breaking up. In the midst of my overwhelming joy today, there is a ting of sadness and my heart is crying out to God! I want everyone to know what it can be like to have this kind of love, trust, friendship, passion, partnership and fun in a marriage!

Sugarpie, in the midst of our crazy life right now I don't get to tell you very often but you are an amazing husband. I am so thankful for you! I love you!!!

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Mommy of two...

I have soooooooooooo much respect for Mommy's of more than one child. I don't know how they get it all done. I have a friend who has four girls, each of them like less than 2 years apart, and she amazes me. She sent me a gift with a homemade card in it. I have only two and I'd be hard pressed to find time to pick out a gift for someone, much less package and address it AND make the card for it. How do they do it?!

Our newest little miracle turns 2 months old in just a few days. I'm sure that is one of the reasons I can't seem to get much done. But oh what fun it is to be the Mommy of a newborn. I LOVE it! He's a good baby too. Started sleeping through the night this week. From about 9 or so, to about 6 am. Hooray! Now if I could just get my toosh in bed earlier, I could enjoy all those hours of sleep too. Gotta work on that. I married a night owl, and it's somehow contageous or something.

I finally cleaned a little bit this week too! It's been all I can do for the past 7 weeks to keep the kitchen clean and laundry done (and that is with Rocky washing and/or putting away the dishes FOR me most of the time). But I keep telling myself that this stage passes soooooooooooooooo quickly, the house can wait and it WILL wait! Have I mentioned how much I love taking care of newborns!?

So that means also the fitness area is totally non-existent for the moment. YEP, I haven't worked out in like exactly two months! I did a Billy's Taebo video like the second night Tiffany was here in early January and that was it! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I WANT to work out so bed. I look at my gym shoes on the shelf with longing everyday. My big plan is once littlest muchkin makes this sleeping through the night thing REALLY consistent, then I'm gonna try to get up in the morning and do something. TRY being the operative word there. I am so physically tired by the end of the day. But DO NOT want to get out of bed each morning, so it is going to be a challenge. We'll see what I can do. And I REALLY want to cleanse again, but that won't be happening while I am nursing so oh well. But the good news is, NO weight gain. This nursing thing ROCKS! I can eat and eat and eat and don't gain at all. But I am also quite aware that this might catch up to me, so I have got to get with it again with some excercise! Besides I miss it so much. It was my ME time, and I need it! So I am praying I can find the dicsipline to get going again before he turns 2.

Well I am really procrastinating right now, which is something I have to cut out if I'm gonna get discplined again so I'm signing off. Gotta go sterilize tubes and make milk and fill bags so I can keep up this nursing thing!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Conversation with Hana about Jesus...

This morning on the way to preschool Hana and I had a pretty deep conversation about Jesus, well I guess deep for a 4 year old anyways. Lately she always wants to read the story of his death on the cross and resurrection in her children's Bible. She talks about it often. But for some reason she is a little confused and thinks Mommy is also going to die on the cross someday. I have told her many times that I don't have to do that cause Jesus did it for me. Anyways, today's talk went something like this.

Hana: Mommy, Jesus was on the middle one!
Mommy: Yes he was, he was hung on the cross between two thieves. Do you know what a thief is?
Hana: Yes, that friend of Jesus.
Mommy: No, Jesus friends were his disciples. The two men on each side of him were people who had done something bad. The took something that wasn't theirs, they stole something. They were being punished for doing something bad.
Hana: Jesus wasn't bad, right Momma.
Mommy: No, Jesus did nothing wrong but he had to die on the cross anyways.
Hana: Mommy gonna go on the middle one.
Mommy: No, remember Mommy doesn't have to do that cause Jesus already did it for me.
Hana: Then Jesus came back right. Mommy come back too?
Mommy: Well first of all I'm not going to die on the cross, but when I do die I can't come back. Jesus is the only one whose ever come back after dying.
Hana: Yea, that's cause he is God!

I am amazed at her comprehension of some parts of this. Although, I don't think she fully understands what dying is yet. Once we trapped a mouse and we've seen some dead bugs and that is how she knows the word, but I don't think she gets how final it is. But I was so impressed to hear her say that Jesus came back because he was God! She is absorbing some things from our Bible reading.

So fun to watch her understanding grow and her comprehension develop!