Thursday, September 10, 2009

Having a good time...

We are having a great time homeschooling! Really, we are! We had a challenging day. I know these are a part of the whole package. I am going to learn as much in this whole process as Hana is. I'm learning so much about being a Mommy! SOOOO much!

But mostly it is all fun. She is almost done with a 10 day unit on creation. I gave her a Bible that I bought for her several years ago in the states. She loves it! We have made a book that she and I illustrated showing each day of creation (you know pictures of that will be coming soon) and she is becoming motivated to try to write. I have not been able to get her to try until now!

Today was especially fun. Each day we have been reviewing the names of upper-case and lower-case letters. I wanted to try to mix it up a little and make it more interesting (it was getting boring even for me), so I lined up the lower case letters on one side of the room and we sat on the other side of the room. I handed her one upper-case card, made her name the letter and then sent her to run and get the lower-case of that same letter as quickly as she could. She LOVED it!

I think if the weather is nice on Saturday we are going to side walk chalk the letters on the street or wall in front of our house and then "erase" them with a paint roller that is soaked in water! Should be lots of fun!

loving this!!!

This first pic is her new Bible!

Looking up that day's scripture reference for me! She can find Genesis 1 now. When I told her today again that we were reading from Genesis 1 she said, "AGAAAAAAAAIN????" LOL, I think she wants to see a different page!

Working hard!

This is the look I get when she can't answer a question and it usually comes with the statement "I forgot." Which in Hananese means I don't know. She has never used the phrase I don't know, it is always I forgot, even if it information she can't possibly have already know! LOL

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