Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Random stuff....

Had a doozie of a headache yesterday. (wow, doozie or is it spelled doozy, either way my spell check doesn't approve, at any rate, that's a fun word I haven't used in a while! doozie!!!) So back to my headache. I think back in High School I had one like this a time or two, but oh my goodness it was horrible. I threw up 3 times from the pain and nausea. Slept from 8pm to 6am and it was gone. What was THAT all about? I have no idea, but it makes me want to do a detox or cleanse of some sort really bad for some reason. Anyhow...

Got back in the gym today. Somehow after getting back home from America having only gained 1 kilo, then losing that 1 kilo in the first few days, I now seem to have gained back 2 kilo. How does THAT happen!? Bunches of yummy Japanese food that I missed a LOT is how that happens. At any rate, I'm about to get rid of it. Oh how I LOVE to workout. I just LOVE it!

My 10pm-ish bedtime and getting up at 6am continues. Loving that too. So I am off to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Marla. I'm Nori, a Japanese Christian wife living in the States.
I've had a headache like yours for years, which occur a few times a year. Now neither Tylenol nor Advil seem to work well for this.
After horrible vomitting, I usually can't eat or drink the things I usually have. That somtimes lasts a week or so. But that seems to cleanse my stomach. I always wish I could continue this kind of diet for good.. but my appetite comes back to normal sooner or later.
Well, hope your detox is going well.