Saturday, June 10, 2006

Friday has come and gone...

This week is just flying by, we are going to be on a plane before I know it. Oh, I do hope the travel time flies by as quickly as these days are. I went to the 100 yen store today and bought Hana some new "toys" and they are staying hidden until we get on the plane. I hope they keep her at least a little occupied.

workout today...
35 minutes on gym stepper
arms, abs, back, stretching
weight :( 66.4 I didn't get into the 65's. I don't think I will make it to the gym again before we leave so, I guess I can't say I made it to me goal of 65. ugh

Now I have to be strong and not regain anything while in America. Be strong, be strong, be strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

off to bed, tomorrow is packing day and Sunday we have two concerts. We leave Monday morning. WOW

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