Saturday, June 03, 2006


I made it to the gym this afternoon while Hana was napping and Daddy was on duty. I'm so excited, I couldn't believe it... I weighed 66.3 kilo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna make it to 65.something by the time we leave. I'm gonna make it! Yiiiiihaw!!!

workout: 35 min on stepper (upped the level today), get this 400 calories burned!!! wahoo!!!!

breakfast; toast and milk
lunch; large salad, veggie soup, half a tortilla
snack, cheese crackers, milk
dinner; mushroom & green onions rolled in pork, steamed green veggies, cabbage with dressing

I ate a pretty big evening meal, I was soooooooooooo hungry.

Nothing else too exciting today. I'm outta here

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