Monday, March 24, 2008

My sweet little family...

This is a picture my good friend Riz took of our little family recently. I just love it! I wish I had someone following us around with a camera all the time!!!

My sweet little family. We all have nick names for each other...

Hana is...
Hana Bell
My baby girl (reserved only for Mommy to use, according to Hana)
precious baby (Daddy is allowed to use this one, cause "baby girl" is reserved for Mommy) LOL
and more!

Mommy is...
Sugarpie (to Daddy)
Mama (when Hana is doing baby talk)
My special Mommy (a new one she started using several days ago)
and more I can't think of at this late hour!

Daddy is...
Rock star
Sugarpie (to Mommy)
Dada (again, baby talk)
and others too sometimes...

But tonight was so precious. During our Afureru! meeting Hana was sitting in my lap and she was kissing me on the face and whispering, "I love you Mommy." and stuff like that and then at one point she started saying, "This is MYYYY Sugarpie." and she said it over and over again. then she reached for Daddy and crawled into his lap and proceeded to tell him over and over again that Mommy is HER sugarpie. And Daddy gently argued with her that I am HIS sugarpie.

Later in the car, this debate started again. It was so hilarious. Hana would not give up, and insists that I be HER sugarpie. She was even coming up with other names that Daddy could call me. She even told him that he could call me "my special Mommy" but that "MY sugarpie" is hers now! SOOOOOOO funny! I don't know where she got this from, that certain pet names are reserved for only certain people to use. She has always been insisten that she is "Mommy's baby girl" and Daddy can't use that name for her. But this is the first time she has laid claim on a name for one of us, and been so determined to have it for herself!

It's funny and so cute. It makes me feel so loved by her. When she does things like that, it melts my Mommy heart!

1 comment:

Houdini said...

I love this picture!!!!
It looks like an album or autobiography cover!