Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Work out report (4/10)

Had another great day! I'm feeling so good and working out makes me so much more productive throughout the rest of the day. I don't sit around when I have nothing to do now. I feel like getting up and doing something. I haven't had this kind of energy in a long time!

So today I taped and mudded the walls in our entry way. They have been bare drywall since we moved in last June and I have been wanting to do it all along but never found the time. So I sent Hana to Baba's house for the morning and early afternoon, and I got to work. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to, but that was a workout in itself. The ceiling is especially hard, thankgoodness entryways are small in Japan!!!

Today's workout (at the gym)
Stepper: 35 minutes, 121 stories climed, 296 calories
abs and arms/shoulders/back

  1. breakfast: CyberWize protein shake
  2. lunch: niku soba, water
  3. no snack - YEA! just some orange juice
  4. dinner - shabu shabu (boiled pork and veggies) ate mostly just the veggies, one small coke (I splurged)
  5. late night - a couple of strawberries and some water, I was starving when I got home from the gym.

Weight: 70.6 (ugh, when am I ever going to get into the 60's, I feel like I'm going to have to fast for a week to get there)

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