Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Work out report (4/17)

WOW!!!!!!! I can't believe how good I feel, how quickly I am losing weight and slimming down and just how fun this is! I should have done this long ago!

stepper: 35 minutes (upped the level for the first half of workout)
128 stories climbed, 310 calories
abs, arms, back

breakfast: toast, milk
lunch: two leftover pigs in a blanket, salad, water
snack: half a coke shared with Rocky
dinner: rice, stir fried veggies

Weight: ARE YOU READY for THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raise The Roof 1
69.0 whaaahoooo!!! Can you hear me screaming! I lost a whole kilo in a week!!!!!!!!

It is just amazing to me because of all the muscle I am gaining, I guess the fat burning is finally catching up and outweighing the muscle gain. I am sooooo happy!

So my goal is to be 68 by the end of this month. I think I can definitely do that!

that means if I can lose two more kilo in May, and one kilo in the first part of June, I will be at my goal weight for our return to the states! I can do this. I feel great, I don't feel hungry at all, it is fun and so encouraging to be seeing change. I'm loving it!!!

off to bed now, to burn some calories in my sleep I hope!
Wakka Wakka

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