Sunday, April 23, 2006

Work out report (4/22) and my day

Well it rained all day so no flea market for QTbaby. Anne and I were sad, but it is probably for the best. We weren't quite ready for it, I think we could prepare a little bit more. The flea market is postponed till next week, but we have a concert out of town next week so... we'll see if Anne and her hubby want to try to pull it off alone?

So we stayed home all day, and it was pretty boring! Hana was really bored, poor thing. But she was in a good mood. She has had a great week and I am so proud of her. Since I wasn't too busy I spent lots of time with her today and she loved that!

I deserve a HUGE pat on the back for my work out. We had guests this evening and after cooking all afternoon and serving everyone, I did NOT want to work out. But I had a pretty large meal eating with everyone, AND desert, so I knew I needed to. I didn't feel like it but I forced myself to do it, and I am glad I did. here's my stats for the day...

home stepper: 40 min, 3252 steps, 450cal (I think my counter is generous with the calories)
abs and stretching

food (I didn't do so hot today...)
breakfast: toast, milk
lunch: spinach and parmesan raviolis, salad and tea
snack: a few chips with Hana
dinner: hamburger steak, rice, mixed veggies, potato soup (small servings of each), strawberry cake for desert.

Then the bad thing happened, about 11pm Rocky pulled out the cream puffs our guests had brought over and I ATE ONE!!! BAD BAD BAD girl. I won't get to go to the gym tomorrow so we will see if I pay for this on the scales on Monday... I think I'm going to have to buy scales for at home. I think it will keep me more motivated.

So we had a pretty good day, and I WILL do better at eating tomorrow. Tomorrow morning I WILL not eat toast for breakfast but instead will have a protein shake. And I will NOT eat too many carbs or sweets tomorrow. That is final.

I was telling someone this week that when I was a teenager some great advice someone gave me once to avoid temptation while dating was, decide BEFORE you leave the house for a date what you will and will not do. Be specific with yourself and with God, pray over it and make a firm decision. This helped me tremendously when I was a teenager and later in my early twenties when I was dating. NOW that I am dieting, I am applying the same advice. Like I just decided what I will do tomorrow. You see I know tomorrow is going to be busy and we will be out all day so we will be eating at restaurants. So I know I am going to be tempted to eat poorly tomorrow. I have already decided I will not let myself do that! On Thursday morning I have accountability time with my friend Rae, and we have breakfast together at a restaurant called Royal Host. RH has the BEST pancakes and maple syrup (maple syrup is expensive so we don't have it here at home, so therfor I never make pancakes). I am always soooooooooo tempted to get the pancakes at RH. But I decide on Wednesday night, and again while I am getting ready on Thursday mornings that I am instead going to have the veggie soup and English muffin, or the spinach/egg bake and English muffin, or something low cal like that. It is working! I also decide I will NOT drink coke. The breakfast comes with the drink bar (at restaurants in Japan refills are not free unless they have a drink bar where the drink machines are out so the customers can use it). I am always tempted to drink coke on Thursday mornings too. But I decide ahead of time I will not. This is really helping me a lot with temptation. Who knew that teenage advice for dating would apply to dieting too!

I'm off to bed, tomorrow is a long busy day.

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